Current Programs

FLEP is a strong organization with functional organization systems to support delivery of evidence based advocacy and rights and quality integrated health services to the communities of East Central Uganda.

Get Up Speak Out

Get Up Speak Out (GUSO) is a 5 year (2016-2020) strategic partnership between the Netherlands MoFA and the GUSO consortium, implemented through the SRHR alliance in Uganda. GUSO is building on the achievements and lessons learned on the previous implemented programs; United for Healthy Tomorrow (UFHT) and Access to Services and Knowledge (ASK).
PROBLEM STATEMENT: Young people do not claim their sexual rights and their right to participation because of restrictions at community, societal, institutional and political levels. This hinders their access to comprehensive SRHR education and services that match their needs, and ability to make their own informed SRHR decision. Long term Program Objective All young people, especially girls and young women, are empowered to realize their SRHR in societies that are positive towards young people’s sexuality. Targeted beneficiaries: Young people aged 10-24, in and out of school. Program focus areas: Information, Education and Service provision Geographical coverage: Jinja, Iganga, Bugiri and Mayuge Principles of GUSO program: Inclusiveness, Positive Rights Based approach, Multi component approach, gender transformation approach, Meaningful involvement of young people.

Building sustainability measures to improve access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for Young People in Uganda

The overall goal of this project is to ensure that young people in Mayuge District are supported and empowered to continue accessing youth friendly sexual and reproductive health services. The project builds on the results and lessons learned from the previous Porticus support, and apply proven approaches tested by Simavi to ensure its continuity. These are guided by the following objectives: 1. To strengthen the capacity of targeted public and private clinics in Eastern Uganda to provide quality youth friendly sexual and reproductive health services 2. To empower young people to undertake evidence-based advocacy to increase awareness and support to youth friendly sexual and reproductive health services. The main strategies that are applied are: 1. Application of full clinic approach in targeted public and private health centres, including training of services providers, Health Unit Management Committees and peer educators, on YFS. 2.Empower young people - girls and boys - to assess and monitor the quality of SRH services through the use of social accountability tool (community score cards), and to engage with government and relevant stakeholders in evidence-based advocacy. With this grant Simavi and FLEP focus their intervention in the Mayuge District and communities where they have already been working with Porticus funding. Therefore, the project continues to focus on young people, especially on the most vulnerable and hard to reach, such as young people living with HIV/AIDS, young people at fish-landing sites (fisher folk) and young women engaged in commercial sex activities.

Applying a human rights based approach to scale-up access to maternal health services in Eastern Central Uganda- (Scale-up project)

The Human Rights bases approach to scale up maternal health with the aim to maternal mortality in Uganda Eastern. Maternal mortality continues to be a dauting issue in the health sector of uganda. Indeed recent statistics indicate that 16 women lose life on a daily basis as result of prevenetable maternal deaths. Common causes include hemorrhage, obstructed labour, sepsis, lack of essential maternal commodities and in almost all cases a failure on the part of government in its human rights obligations is eminent. FLEP applies human rights lense in advocating for access to maternal health services expectant mothers in the region. We engage a series of stakeholders bith at the district local government and communities at large through a set of identified interventions to ensure that each of them plays their role in advocating for access to maternal health services in the region. FLEP has works with partners with expertise in the field like Center for Health Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) which bring in the legal angle to the subject. FLEP currently implements this project in Iganga, Mayuge, Kaliro and Kamuli Districts.